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Inauguration of Donald Trump - predictions and discussion

Curious to know what you people think about the current political situation regarding Trump.
What's your thought on the whole Russian hacker ordeal that the CIA talks about?
Is Obama working against Trump becoming a president? (Scorched Earth king of thing)
What do you think will come of the inevitable Trump presidency? Will he be powerless, do bad, or do good?

Note, this thread is not so much for discussing the past election, it's for discussing the future of what's to come
PM me with any and all questions
Donald Trump is a businessman since he has a headquarters for whatever thing I forgot, so he will do good to are economy but he has no experience in anything else so it will be hard for him to be president. But according to the predictions of Nostrodomas and Baby Vanga, they said that Donald Trump will be assasinated and that Obama will be the last president. But either way Trump will make a big change to our country, but I guarantee that he ain't building the wall since Supreme Court won't accept it. Lets hope that Trump will make good to our country for the next 4 to 8 years.:>
Originally Posted by soccerblue View Post
Donald Trump is a businessman since he has a headquarters for whatever thing I forgot, so he will do good to are economy but he has no experience in anything else so it will be hard for him to be president. But according to the predictions of Nostrodomas and Baby Vanga, they said that Donald Trump will be assasinated and that Obama will be the last president. But either way Trump will make a big change to our country, but I guarantee that he ain't building the wall since Supreme Court won't accept it. Lets hope that Trump will make good to our country for the next 4 to 8 years.:>

I recognize this is the lowest common denominator type of post, but there is so much wrong with this statement.

Being a business owner does not make you qualified to manage an economy. Businesses try accumulate value for a central group or individual, while managing the economy requires trying to create value for an entire population. The economic tools that apply for a business will not necessarily work for an economy. This is ignoring the fact that Trump is an average businessman at best, a con artist at worst.

Second, don't bother listening to the predictions of Nostrodomas. He made sweeping, generalized claims which can be interpreted to suit the needs of the person reading them as necessary. It's a simple technique used by any fortune teller that preys on gullible individuals into filling in the blanks of the general statement themselves, thus fooling them into thinking that the general statement was actually specific. If you bother looking at any of his predictions, none of them mention anybody by name, nor any event by date, just positions and events that are supposedly going to occur. Given enough time, with how general he made his statements, it's inevitable that a few or even a lot of them will come to pass. It does not mean he's accurate, it means he's made a large target.

Lastly, you don't need the Supreme Court to approve infrastructure unless somebody brings up a constitutional claim against the action. If Congress approves of the budget for it, it can be built without Supreme Court approval.
nyan :3
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I'm sure Obama isn't happy with Trump being the next president, he's looking into throwing away both obamacare and a bunch of pro environment measures that Obama worked hard on getting them out to the US. Other than that I'm not sure how he will do finance wise, he's looking into decreasing tax, which means less income but also spending more money on both infrastructure and military. The US might make a bit more money by passing off a few environmental measures but other than that, who knows where he'll get the money from. He's also looking into giving company owners more freedom which will most likely decrease the equality even more (though it might boost economy?)

I am glad he's stopped being as "aggressive" after getting elected though, he might not be as bad as I thought
Originally Posted by ChokeMeDaddy View Post
I am glad he's stopped being as "aggressive" after getting elected though, he might not be as bad as I thought


Originally Posted by ChokeMeDaddy View Post
He's also looking into giving company owners more freedom which will most likely decrease the equality even more (though it might boost economy?)

Elaborate on that, if you would be so kind.
I'm sure he's talking about how almost every post made on Twitter 4th trump is aimed at someone for something.
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Originally Posted by ChokeMeDaddy View Post
Wait what part do you want me to elaborate on exactly?

...The part I quoted.
Originally Posted by ChokeMeDaddy View Post
He's also looking into giving company owners more freedom which will most likely decrease the equality even more (though it might boost economy?)

Explain this process that you think will happen.