Original Post
[REL] New Ignore Script!
Hey I've made an updated version of my ignore script which works with the newer chat format and the new lua command functionality!

Works great with my Autorun Script!

What it does is keeps an ignore list that stops messages from being displayed from the people on the list. Very useful for annoying individuals or spammers.

To ignore people:
/ignore add name

To unignore people:
/ignore remove name

So if you wanted to ignore me:
/ignore add blam

To view who you have ignored:
/ignore list

Note that it automatically saves your ignored list when you add and remove people.

Download Here
Last edited by Blam; Sep 7, 2015 at 06:05 PM.
Thank you very much =D Now I can ignore those flaming bastards.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
You guys might want to redownload I accidentally made the remove function add the player, so you can't remove names.

New version in first link should be fine!
I'm also bumping for the fact that this is really needed for all those people who bitch in servers about how I fight.
Originally Posted by Kr3s View Post
I'm also bumping for the fact that this is really needed.

and for that, we thank you. Nice script, it'll come in handle