Original Post
[rift] Recruitment
Ok fill this out to join.
3 yes's and your in or 2 yes's from the leaders


Last edited by JuceR; Nov 6, 2011 at 10:01 PM.
Doing it in a fruitastical way so every one can enjoy
Name: Sjoerd

GMT: +1

Belt: 5th dan black belt

Ban/Frac History: i was banned for 8 moths.(just got it back) that was because of a mis understanding, my friend told me his pass at school so i changed his pass and i wanted to change it back the day after just to make a point to him never tell your pass to anyone but then the day after i was banned. If you dont believe me ask him his name is foraat.

Forum/Irc Activity: 8-10

Best Mod: aikido big dojo and aikido.

Talents: Im a decent replay maker.

Why do you want to join?: Cause my best friend ConCon19 is in it and i saw thats its a new clan and i like to help new clans.

Why should we let you?: cause im a decent player nice guy and accept of the ban i do no harm.

Info about yourself: I think i told you about everyting so far. i just got a new version of toribash so this is my only replay so far if i have more il post them.

Replays: epic.rpl (139.7 KB
Attached Files
epic.rpl (139.7 KB, 7 views)