Original Post
[WIP] Realswords
so this is my first mod, and im having trouble on it. its basicly a swrod that i hope that i can make as resnable as possible.

how this works:
i take a nonstagib sword, and put instagib parts relativly near the surface, then when i hit somone hard, the sword will ghost through a bit and then it can istagib them. if i just drop the sword or use the wrong edge, it does nothing. you can alter the "sharpness" by changing how close the instagib part is to the noninstagib parts. the tip of hte sword is "sharper" than the edge.

the first picture shows how the sword looks

unfortunatly, i dont really know how to do the joints and when i try to use it, it looks like this (second picture)

i also tried to make my code as easy as possible to read, (lots of commnets and organization)

hope you like it 8D

EDIT: ok i just reliased that hte pictures are pretty bad. could someone post better pictures for me (maybye with shaders?)
Attached Images
REalist sword.jpg (60.7 KB, 90 views)
realist sword bug.jpg (62.0 KB, 67 views)
Attached Files
00realsword.tbm (5.6 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by blkk; Jan 17, 2009 at 04:55 PM.
- its been a while
Originally Posted by mrpoptart
Mod name: Do not title the mod with anything unnecessary in the beginning i.e. "0", "[", "(", or any thing else to make the mod appear at the top of the list. Remove it before attaching the mod. Don't name it "1.tbm", "mymod.tbm", "test.tbm", "[yournamehere]smod.tbm", or any thing like that. Don't put your name in the mod title, if you want you name on it, open the .tbm and put it inside the mod. Don't use spaces in your mod title, use "-" or "_".

On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.
This is, most definitely, a Work In Progress

So, ermmm... Here's a hint for you.
Environment object joints need a position, just like any other object or body part.
Try putting "visible 1" (no quotes) under your joints so you can see them, it helps with placement.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
thanks for the help skazz, but why does it vibrate? and i think like one version of katana does it without putting in the positions. also, the joint system im doing right now is connecting handle to guard, then guard to side sword, and then everything else to the side sword... is that hte problem? im working on it.

Mod name: Do not title the mod with anything unnecessary in the beginning i.e. "0", "[", "(", or any thing else to make the mod appear at the top of the list. Remove it before attaching the mod. Don't name it "1.tbm", "mymod.tbm", "test.tbm", "[yournamehere]smod.tbm", or any thing like that. Don't put your name in the mod title, if you want you name on it, open the .tbm and put it inside the mod. Don't use spaces in your mod title, use "-" or "_".

sorry bout that... i thought that only mattered when you tried to upload it. ill change it when when its done.

EDIT: ok ive been working on it and i still cant get it to work. i commented out everything ecept for the handle to guard joint and put in the position, but the joint appears and cooridnants 0 0 0. and then guard and handle still vibrate like crazy. WAT DO I DO?

a new version up.... thanks to shook. vibrates LESS
im still working on it.

unlike most other WIP threads (wehre people post suggestions), IM A NOOB. FIRST ATTEMPT AT MODDING. THAT MEANST I NEED HELP.
Attached Files
realsword.tbm (5.8 KB, 7 views)
- its been a while
Okay when you first mentioned the idea, I knew it was going to be unstable (especially how the idea itself is to use a glitch to make a stable mod......) so I didn't attempt it, but then I just had some spare time and decided to make one... (v1) not much different than just plain old IG, but you can still rest your sword on ukes head without him decapitating (until you apply force) also, hitting him with the side of your blade will decapitate him so it's not really that sword-like... so then I made v2.. in this one you need a looooooot of force to decap, but when you do decap you're awarded a tonne of points.. however even with the thickest sword I've ever seen you can still kinda glitch it sideways into uke.. like what I'm saying is that you want it so the sword IG's with slash attacks but it still IGs with blunt attacks too so there's no real point in it.. idk I had more fun with v2 anyways.



I was just wondering though if you're alright with the sword being fat so long as it works properly

Edit: Actually v1 works perfectly in sambo.. it really gives you the feel that you're cutting uke up with a sword.. I suppose I'll make one for uke now and colour them for a "final product" more or less..
Attached Files
egrealswordv1.tbm (1.7 KB, 4 views)
egrealswordv2.tbm (1.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Jan 22, 2009 at 08:47 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30
yay.. i think i should start out with something a little more simple. i think i was a bit ambitious with my first attempt.

EDIT: lol just noticed that double dagr's doing one too. thanks doubledagr
Last edited by blkk; Jan 23, 2009 at 03:58 AM.
- its been a while