Original Post
Epic Pelvic Thrust
nuff said.

Actually, I have an idea. We have so many sticky topics though. But here we go: Make a thread for sharing great replays. And by great, I mean "I can't believe that happened" replays. After sometime, we get someone to compile all of them into a clan video.
The hard part would be agreeing on music...
Attached Files
Epic Pelvic Thrust.rpl (54.3 KB, 30 views)
If only for a decap :P But other than that, you managed to keep yourself from dqing in two pieces in wushu so thats nice :P
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
haha I like this replay. So is it mainly multiplayer replays?
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
It'd be nice just to see others multiplayer replays cause I don't get to see most/all of you online now (hectic sleep patterns (blame summer)) so it lets me see your generic fighting style and any things you try to do when in a fight e.g. I try to do a back kick a lot in Taek Kyon. (I think War crunches his opponent with a contract pec, raise shoulder, contract elbow thing.... this assumption is based off his first vid (awesome vid))

So..... ya.... multiplayer replays....
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE
so it lets me see your generic fighting style
your generic fighting style

I like to think I don't have a run-of-the-mill standard style...
KingBosh disconnected. quit life
Then I would see what unique things are in your fighting.... either way it lets me see how others fight.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
okay here are a few interesting fights from yesterday.

If I can get my external backup drive to work I will go find some good stuff.

edit: oh I forgot the best one!
Last edited by madmanmad; Jun 24, 2008 at 07:53 PM. Reason: forgot replay
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]