Original Post
[WIP]NEW girl vector
For those you haven't seen it or not to this point:

This is my latest, and imo my best, vector to date. I chose to post it here because:
One: I've been an inactive cock.
Two: I'm a lazy cock.
And three: GATA lacks vectors :3
There is a little bit left to do, as in the hands, the only visible part of the shirt and the hair.
I've actually shaded the skin on this one rather than my usual "shade facial features and run".

I'm quite pleased with how it turned out so far, but the lighting is bothering me a bit, to me it seems that the sides are too dark and too light from each other, of course, if I did something like that with the hair and hands it would probably look heaps better.

The eyes probably need more shading to give it a "shiny" effect.
And the left hand is still needing more smooth edges as well as certain parts of the right hand.
The hair is also a bit wierdly shapes on the bits coming out.
When it's done I'll add a border (and other crap) to get rid of the feeling that part of the image is missing.

I will update this thread when I've completed the hands, hair or w/e. Probably won't be for a bit though, so there may be a bump of this thread if it so happens to get that old.
C&C is appreciated (I'm generally too lazy to change anthing tho).

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Hmm, thats pretty epic. I really like how you shaded her face, any tuts for that?
Which program did you use? PS, Gimp, Illustrator?
Any tips for doing some stuff? Maybe links?
Love the shading you did for the skin. I'm tired of flat faces too :]
lighting looks like it's coming from the bottom corner though. Maybe you can pull it off the the rest is shaded that way too

Left pupil (her right) seems a fair bit smaller than the other. Shouldn't be Too hard to fix.

Again, love that there is actually skin shading on this one!
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Hmm, thats pretty epic. I really like how you shaded her face, any tuts for that?
Which program did you use? PS, Gimp, Illustrator?
Any tips for doing some stuff? Maybe links?

I used CS4 Phtoshop.
I learnt how to vector by basicly looking at other art and comparing what was done, but there is a tutorial that helped. I'll try and find it.
Good tip: Never use the colour from an original pic for the vector, it'll look like crap I can assure you. Always use something else with a stronger colour.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
That's it. I'm going to do my best friend.


Do eet.

Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Love the shading you did for the skin. I'm tired of flat faces too :]
lighting looks like it's coming from the bottom corner though. Maybe you can pull it off the the rest is shaded that way too

Left pupil (her right) seems a fair bit smaller than the other. Shouldn't be Too hard to fix.

Again, love that there is actually skin shading on this one!

Thanks, I decided I'm going to start with the skin before/if I get bored of it.
I think the pupil is a propotions issue, but it can be easily fixed.
The lighting is techniquely coming from just the left side but I can do the rest like that, infact I probably will do it anyways.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Yeah, I may dim the eyes because it should be under the shadow of the hair and it's overly bright.
Anyway, hair is finished:

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Mmmmmmm, beautiful hair too! I'd so tap that if she didn't look 13 ;p
you should do the hands next Asap. That lump of peach is somewhat disturbing.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Bloody hell, the hair looks amazing. The skin looks rather fine as well. Looking forward to seeing this finished.
The whole thing is perfect except the eyes imo. The style the eyes were made in is completely different. Its like putting cartoon eyes on a human.