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[VID] Evdromeda - Oopyuman's Version
Hello everyone, Oopyuman here,

I just got a request from Evdromeda to make a video, and there it is, the video. I decided to do it a bit more like 'tech' style, because I had this really nice song and I've always wanted to do a video with it. It might not look as good as the other Evdromeda videos (Named it Oopyuman's Version because there are other ones). Anyways, I said enough about it, there it is:

[It's best that you watch it at the highest quality]

Song: Com Truise - Futureworld

Oopyuman out.
Last edited by Sluup; May 13, 2013 at 03:58 AM.
Great video! Thank you so much! Very nice slo-mo and the effects were good but some were slightly overused, overall, great vid. 8.5/10
"Do not tell me you cannot overpower bullyness" - Dickster
Heyo! I liked the song you used, it had a "cool" feel to it. Cc would have made the video much better, the effect was cool, but maybe not for the whole video. It was a neat effect though. The sync was good too
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