Original Post
I believe it disrupts the ingame section of toribash, deterring people from buying globals from the fear of a GM tourney starting during the middle of a betting server, usually causing people to leave instantly. Or there could be a notification on the forums to advise when they're starting so they don't waste their money, or a option on the server to disable globals to keep people in the servers.

I just had a server with 15+ people and going strong, next thing a global comes through and now there's only three people left.
Last edited by Swaves; Dec 29, 2014 at 02:18 AM.
So people want to be in a tourney more than they want to be in your betserver, and you think that's a bad thing?

If people would rather be in a tourney, then why take that opportunity away from them just because you're not going to earn money on house and nudges..

Besides, 15 people isn't really that many, and if you make the server enjoyable enough, GMs globalling shouldn't be a problem.

Probably one of the stupidest suggestions I've seen in a while, sorry to say.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

Try running a bet server then having it wiped out by a GM tourney, then let's see what your opinion is...
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
Try running a bet server then having it wiped out by a GM tourney, then let's see what your opinion is...

Tourneys = bad.
No tourneys = bad.

Thanks for your input.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Yhea but if the gms make an list with days an hours which will be maked the gm tourneys will be better for both side
You just had people come into the gm server and try to steal members, I don't know what to say..
if you are upset about GMs taking people away from your servers, give the people in your servers a reason to stay. they're joining the gmtournies because there's more in it for them and the GMs' entire staff position revolves around these in-game events

the only reason regular members host betting servers is for profit

if you want people to stay in your server and not leave when a GM broadcasts, you're going to need to give the community more of a reason to stay. don't get upset and post a complaint because your servers suck
Last edited by Faint; Dec 28, 2014 at 03:39 PM.
"Or there could be a notification on the forums to advise when they're starting so they don't waste their money, or a option on the server to disable globals to keep people in the servers."

This might work if you believe removing them all together is radical.
That's a really dumb suggestion, I mean my lord. Gms host events for fun and prizes, you host events for profit; make your server nonshitty so people stay
I understand, the point i'm getting at is that you guys should at least make a list telling us when the tourney's are starting so people don't waste their tc on a global to advertise their shitty bet server only for them to lose the majority of people on the server when a GM tourney gets globalised.