Original Post
some of my friends pestered my to play some tb with them, and i was baffled because i couldn't figure out why i couldn't get rid of the clan tag on my name, then i figured out that i was still on the official clan roster...

go figure D:
so how is everyone
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Sup creamy!
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
haha not much lol
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
hey hey hey
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Hope I'm not late to the party.
Was on reddit and someone wrote
"Perhaps you have some gaming friends that you lost contact with?"
Suddently I remembered I had not logged on here for over a 1 year and 8 months. Even had trouble logging in since i had forgotten my password and didnt have an email adress of my own when Liaxo was created.

So how's the clan? How are you guys? How goes the pooping, mooping and skullfucking? Nice to see there are some veterans left. I have this vague memory of an argument between avatar10 and someone else (donseluke? andcream? cant really remember who). What became the conclusion. Any other fancy news? See there is a new supreme leader. Not sure if I ever met Kyou, hmmm think I did. Sorry if im invading and blabbering. SO WASUP YOU GUYS!?

hope anyone remembers me
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
MY GOFD. I did not expect that, awesome though. When I left, he was but the learner. Now he is the master. And a question that will probably just make me sad: anyone heard from Salukki? How i miss that glorius man...
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn