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The background gradient looks awkward. It's in like, sections?
I don't know how to explain it. It's like a rectangle of black at the bottom. Then a
rectangle of a lighter black above that, etc. Not smooth and gradual like gradients are
supposed to be. I don't know if you were going for that or not, but either way I think the
normal gradient would look better.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
That block-like gradient effect probably comes from not enough room being left in the image for the colors you chose to make a gradient. It's like making a gradient that goes from a 250 value to a 255 value stretch over 1024 pixels; that's only 6 different colors that have to spread over 1024 pixels, so it has to make that block-like look.

But then again, that's just the background. So it doesn't matter that much. Actually the logo looks pretty nice. Only thing that I don't like is that the subtle rectangles you put into the logo, kinda don't follow the general shape of the logo.

Thanks jinx yeaa i see what your saying, havent a clue how id fix that tbh, i made a grey block then placed a black to white gradient block over the top and made it really opace. So mehh :L On the other hand ye the rectangles didnt turn out exactly how i wanted them but they werent as bad as i amagined either :L