Original Post
  1. Blah blah blah
  2. Sometin you wrote
  3. 1k for prize
  4. -facepalm-
  5. DO ET

Any questions, ask away...
Is that chest hair? Damn.
Ok. Think of a funny joke. Write it down here, as long as it's yours, and if it is funny enuf, you will get first place and win 1k.

This is going on for ONE WEEK.
AKA = ends next Tuesday
Is that chest hair? Damn.
There was this hippy on a bus one day, and on a stop by the church, a nun came on to the bus. The hippy said, "Want to have sex?"And the nun politely said no and got off on the next stop. The bus driver said to the hippy, Ï know how to make the nun have sex with you. Go to the church at 7:00 on sunday, disguized as jesus and order her to have sex with you. It will work.
So sunday comes by, and the hippy comes to the church at 7:00. The nun is there just in time. The hippy, wearing a wig, white robes and glowing powder says, "You have been faithful to me, but to prove your faith entirely, you must have sex with me."
The nun agrees but asks to have it from the back so she would keep her virginity. After they are done, the hippy pulls off his mask and says, "Haha! Im the hippy!" Seconds later, the nun pulls off the mask and yells, "Haha! Im the bus driver!"
Doctor comes to 3 dorks on street and asks first:
-What is the answer to 2+2?
Asks second:
And finally asks third
-What is answer to 2+2?
-GOOD! How u did that?!-says doctor
-Simple. I withdrawed 5284 from Wednesday.

2 dorks found a man in the lake. So they get him out from the water and started reanimation. They were dorks so they took straw and pulled it in man's ass. First dork started to puff and no effect.Second dork took straw, turned it upside down and wanted to start.Then second asks:
-What are u doing?
-Sorry, but i know u don't brush ur teeth so i don't want to risk.
Here's a few:

what did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?

"Where's my tractor?"

What did zelda say to link when he was struggling to open a door

"try force" (triforce)

Why did the pirate go to see a movie?

Because it was ARRRRRRRRRRRR rated


Why didn't the pirate go to the movies?

because he was a pirate.............(don't feel bad if you don't get this at first)
Last edited by Bolas; Apr 15, 2009 at 11:23 AM.

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Last edited by Lucker; Apr 16, 2009 at 05:21 AM.