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body textures
Is it worth it to buy 128x128 body textures or should I save for 256x256 (or 512x512)?
Its easier to save for full 128 textures, but if you want to save up for full 256/512 then that's up to you and whether you are willing to take the time to acquire the TC to get them. Either that or I am sure you can buy a full set of any of those for USD from someone in the market.
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Well I already have enough for the full 128x128 but how bad well it look in game(I mean like with the low resolution)?
Originally Posted by PandaHero View Post
Start first with 128x full if you dont like it go to 512 but its gonna be expensive.

ok thanks!
Personally I wouldn't buy 256

also 128 has been fine for me.

A lot of people choose to have 128 body and 512 head. It doesn't look half bad to be honest
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I've seen poop's set, he has full 128 and a 512 head with a demonic set, it doesn't look bad.
I had a 512 head an a 128 body.. Looks alright. But 512 looks better, but of course it's much more expensive. So I would buy the 128 then save up for 512 ^^
I would not buy 265 textures
There is not so many 265 texture in forums
I would buy 128 textures
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