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Mod upload issues
Recently there has been some issues with uploading mods it says "Error loading example_beard_axe2.tbm" not just my uploads either, some others have the same problem.
I just tried uploading a mod and it worked just fine, and it looks like the mod you just referenced was uploaded just fine as well. Are you talking ingame?

Scrap that, I see what you mean. It didn't load correctly into multiplayer, and when I tried to redownload the mod I uploaded (as well as example_beard_axe3.tbm) and opened it in notepad, I was faced with a blank page. Is it maybe an error in the uploading process of mods?

Earlier today I downloaded sumore_e.tbm and everything worked as should. If a problem developed it had to have developed pretty recently. (all the mods up to example_beard_axe2.tbm seem to load fine)
Last edited by pouffy; Feb 26, 2016 at 05:54 AM.
it was both actually, tried to play it ingame with a friend. He even was the one to point the error on the mod page out to me. It shows the error for your mod you just uploaded on my end too. All the mods uploaded after dfwip1.tbm show the error for me
Last edited by dabarrett; Feb 26, 2016 at 05:54 AM.
I'd just like to point out that it has already happened to me, and it just fixed itself after a while. Perhaps some problems with the servers?
In that case, I guess we should be able to wait and see if the mods uploaded fix themselves? It's kinda a pain for testing, but I guess that's all we got for now.
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
In that case, I guess we should be able to wait and see if the mods uploaded fix themselves? It's kinda a pain for testing, but I guess that's all we got for now.

Well, we might be able to upload mods in the future again (when it'll magically fix itself I guess), but these uploaded mods still wont work as far as I know. We'll need to re-upload them.

So yeah if it could be fixed it would be great !
Turns out this was indicative of an even bigger uploading issue on the forums. Everything seems to be broken :/ On the bright side, since the issue is so large it should be focused on and fixed relatively soon.