Original Post
To Everyone in PF
to everyone in PF:

hey PF members, i have some bad news ... i am split bloodymess between my home clan and and an unrefusable offer... Noob_Reaper of [Death] has offered me 3rd in command of his clan and two regestration codes if i join him in his clan. the thing is i dont want to leave my home clan of PF because it was my first clan and i want to stay loyal to ur guys... but on the other hand i could be 3rd in command of a clan and have a reg code for me and my friend... i am seriously split between the two and would love some addvice... or

PS: just so everyone knows i am kinda leaning to staying loyal to PF and staying with the crew

PSS: $tev gave me the idea for the knife in the head where it said split... THX $TEV
Re: To Everyone in PF
to be honest I wouldn't change (but I'm already registered).
It all depends wether you are desperate for a reg key...

please don't let me sway your decision. That was an opinion,
Re: To Everyone in PF
wel;l, seeing as we are allied with dinner, i think that that is a very tempting offer, and maybe we can work something out where we dont have to lose you. i will get in touch with him and see what i can do
Re: To Everyone in PF
think about it, the best run clan in TBash, or some new clan taking up space?
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: To Everyone in PF
b-rass, i have sent this email to noob_reaper, maybe we wont have to lose you

as the leader of pf, i am loathe to see b-rass leaving us. it is a very tempting offer, but i think that it is rather unsprortsmanlike to try to buy out another clan's members. i know that we are allies, and hope that we can come to some resolution that will make everyone happy.

maybe you can give b-rass an honorary role and we can fight for each other in tournaments, back each oter up in wars, etc.

p.s. i bet b-rass would like a reg key for christmas *hint hint*
Re: To Everyone in PF
aaa , PLZ DONT GO , i know im not a pf , but will you be a populer person if you were to leave?
Re: To Everyone in PF
its ok everyone... im not leaving, i am staying in PF!!!! i am to stay in PF but shall help out DEATH in any wars like a mercenarie (spelling?) well i hope everyone is glad to hear the good news

PS: thx robo for the help!