Original Post
[Free Tc] 3k-3min reg
1) Follow this registration link. -snip-
2) You must use your real name & sirname + add place where u study & upload a photo(avatar). (or i don't send tc)
3) To complete registration you must enter yorr mobile number to get a confirmation link in sms (works in any country and is totally free)
4) If you did everything right, then I will see that one person was invited by me.
5) Get your prize.

fcpavao tc send
affei tc send
Megalomania tc send

P.S. don't delete this thread ^^
Last edited by Blam; Dec 2, 2009 at 03:40 PM.
Originally Posted by Dominor View Post
P.S. please delete this thread ^^


Seriously, these things are clogging up the forums, not to mention the game events section, where they belong even less than on these forums at all.

It's one thing to misuse your actual friends for such monetary (I sure as hell hope you're not ONLY doing this for some Russian Facebook-ripoff site's QTpoints), since that way you'll get due punishment (considering you have a conscience, that is, since the friends will know you kinda used them), unlike this way.

That is, of course, unless you do punished, which I'm dearly hoping.

Infract me if you will, but this is ridiculous.
I refuse to grab.
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