Original Post
FRAPS and You
Hi! Are you interested in recording games such as toribash. Making tutorials, and uploading game movies? Well it looks like FRAPS is the right program for you!

What is fraps?
Fraps is one of the latest and greatest achievements in game recording software. It records clear cut picture quality video, and doesn't drag your FPS down too much.

Does it cost money?
Hmm.. Indeed it does indeed it does. You can get the free version that doesn't have all the capabilities, and also fails because it can record only 30 seconds at a time.

If you managed to get the full version of FRAPS here are the recommended settings.
In the FPS tab check MinMaxAvg, FPS, and Frametimes. These all display your FPS while recording, but do not bother the actual video.

In the Movies tab its a bit contreversial. If you have a high-end PC check Full-Size, 60fps, Record Sound, and detect best sound input.

If you have a mid-end PC check Full-Size, for FPS make it 30-50, Record Sound, and Detect best sound input.

Low End PCs Full-Size, make FPS 25, and take out record sound if you want better quality videos. Also checking no cursor, and no sync can increase your video quality.

In the screenshots tab check JPG, or JPEG. JPG gives you the best screenshot quality.

Fraps with toribash
So far I have only found one flaw with toribash and fraps.
Fraps is not compatible with toribash under the resolution of 1440x900, or anything around that.

Also if you are using fraps with toribash please type /opt fixedframerate. This will increase your frame rate. It may get a bit fast but in recording it will look fine =-).

That is all for this tutorial with fraps.
Thanks for checking it out.
Please comment =3.
Last edited by Magix; Aug 2, 2009 at 04:18 AM.

Bad cough's are indeed annoying, especially if you accidently press keys on your keyboard. Oh well, let me help you get rid of them.

Anyways Fraps is indeed great, recommended to anyone that can afford or otherwise accumulate it.
lol i defo think fraps is way better than other free recording software like hypercam and camstudio but i think it is quite complicated to use lol
it dont lags when i record, but when i want to see the results it like 1fps each fith second