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Rebooting the Uniteam
As the title says. GMs don't seem to give a shit about things aimed at the lower belts, whether it be server sitting or low belt tourneys (before you start on the tourneys, don't tell me it's impossible to at least filter a fraction of people using alts: siku used to do it manually. Do a script.). I think it's needed.
When I was a GM I helped a lot with new players and how to move their Tori's. Who says the rest don't either. Take for example Hxcbbqimo(now Dr.Hax) he was a GM, now he has a YouTube channel helping a range of toribashians, ESPECIALLY the newbies.

I agree, it may be too much of a workload for them at this point, but trust me, it will get better.
And what exactly is going to make it better? They killed off UT like 2 years ago. They had plenty of time to integrate the new tasks into their workload, which they did not.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jun 9, 2014 at 11:25 AM.
I'm still wondering what's up with this. With the steam release, low-belt tourneys would be quite popular.
I have to agree with you on the point (especially with the Steam release) that a dedicated amount of time and staff resources needs to be spent on retaining new players. However considering I've just emerged from a stint of inactivity I cannot comment on how well this is currently handled by GMs. Although they have just recruited, so allowing time for things to settle, there could potentially be a positive change.

In my experience (past-tori-agent) lower belted players did appreciate server sitting and utilise the advice and guidance given. The forum itself offers a lot, in terms of what is helpful for new players, they just need to be punted in the right direction. Merging Tori-agents and GMs maybe wasn't the best decision, but when I was around it was logged and challenged if server sitting was being neglected. Again, however I can't really comment on the current situation.

There really is no shortage of users willing and able to give their time to host and help out. Perhaps the GMs should look into having non-automated exclusive lower belt tourneys as a set percentage of their overall hosting targets, and if they don't currently have the capacity to achieve this, look into recruiting more members. But again, to drive the point home, I don't want to criticise the GM team in any way, since I have no idea of their current standards.
Last edited by Fee; Jun 9, 2014 at 12:02 PM.
We are aware of the influx of new players. We are getting new people now, everything takes time.
Ynvaser, if you are concerned about said problems, you can always do something yourself.
Low-belt tourneys were also attempted several times just after the Steam release, but consistently ruined by old players using alts to join in and beat the shit out of newbies. We try to do things for low-belt players, but the only thing we've found that consistently works well is setting up low-belt servers dedicated to the new players and making sure there are easy-to-play mods in there for them to get the grasp of the game.
Last edited by Risk; Jun 11, 2014 at 07:28 AM.
low-belt tourneys would be quite popular

No, they won't be.
I've seen these "low belt tournaments" at the time UT was up and they were consisting of 13 players max with half of them being UT hosters' friends on alts. Static automated tournaments is enough for all the new players, there are now 15 of them.

Serversitting has been the only good thing that UT did until most of the members stopped giving a shit about it (why whine GMs now that they're not doing it eh?). It takes a lot of patience and it gets dull after a week. If someone from the current staff serversit at least once a week, everyone who cares about newcomers should be grateful for that.

Anyway, keeping UT or making GMs nurse the whitebelts won't have any significant effect as they cannot get to all the new players. There are already a few good tutorials in Steam which are way easier to reach, even they are more helpful than a bunch of people popping up on one of beginner rooms once a day (remember that we now have almost 70 of them, would you hire ~700 UT members to cover at least half of the time?).
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Ynvaser, if you are concerned about said problems, you can always do something yourself.

It's in your job description, not mine. I'd do it myself, but it has been made clear that my services aren't needed.

Originally Posted by Fee View Post
GMs should look into having non-automated exclusive lower belt tourneys as a set percentage of their overall hosting targets, and if they don't currently have the capacity to achieve this, look into recruiting more members.

Well said.

Originally Posted by Risk View Post
...ruined by old players using alts to join in and beat the shit out of newbies.

If you guys implemented some steam account-based authentication system, it'd be possible to filter this. Most new players come from steam these days. That would also make it possible for siblings to partake in tournaments without getting flagged for multiclienting.

Originally Posted by sir View Post
No, they won't be.
I've seen these "low belt tournaments" at the time UT was up and they were consisting of 13 players max with half of them being UT hosters' friends on alts.

In my experience, they were just as popular as GMTourneys themselves. There were a few alts, but see above.

Originally Posted by sir View Post
Serversitting has been the only good thing that UT did until most of the members stopped giving a shit about it (why whine GMs now that they're not doing it eh?).

Make it a part of their quota. It's not pure volunteer work anymore. You can expect them to do what they signed up for.

Originally Posted by sir View Post
It takes a lot of patience and it gets dull after a week.

Not having sociopaths do server sitting would help quite a bit in that aspect. I found it quite relaxing to be honest.

Originally Posted by sir View Post
Anyway, keeping UT or making GMs nurse the whitebelts won't have any significant effect as they cannot get to all the new players.

No need. Having a few people (at once) server sit regularly, announced via globals would spread the word that this is a thing. It'd also create a more 'accessible' image for the GMs.
It's also a lot more direct. There's no risk of asking a "stupid" question, just to have one of the meaner staff members give a "witty" answer, since they are there to help in the first place.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jun 14, 2014 at 07:23 AM.
Sorry to disappoint you, but it's not. Well, maybe it's still included in job description somewhere on forums and if so, it should be changed, as we dropped server sitting somewhen in late 2012. Or actually not dropped but striked out of the quota. If I recall correctly, you were a trial back then.
One can still serversit and some GMs are doing so.
Basically, it's been decided that one hour long tourney is better for the community than one hour of server sitting. Of course, it's not that simple but that's the general outcome, there is no need to c/p whole discussion here nor I am allowed to.
You should consider the fact that we have other duties, quota to meet, real life and that team.is undergoing a little reconstruction.
As sir said, UT was disbaned due to inactivity of its members, it'd still be there if they were doing their job. Which brings me us back to square one - you don't like something - try to do something about it, something other than talking. God Squad members felt like community is missing some fun events and they decided to do something about it.
Last edited by Powas; Jun 14, 2014 at 09:56 AM.