Original Post
Linux version does not work online
Hi, I can play toribash online in windows and offline in ubuntu(linux). But, when I try to go onine in the linux version I get a not connected error. I don't think it is a port forwarding issue.

Upon second look the linux version is 3.5 while the current version is 3.88 or so. Is this the issue? If so, are there plans to release a current linux version?

hampa is working on updating it, the guy that used to update it doesn't any more.

Until there is a new linux version there's always wine.
Never messed with wine, but gotta start sometime.

Thanks for the ludicrously fast and accurate reply.

Was playing it in windows until I got a Super- BSOD today that happens on boot. Second massive failure Vista has had for me (the first converted me to linux).
the reason for this, is the old linux version attempts to connect to the old server. as this old server isnt online anymore, it cant connect. as soon as hampa can update the linux version, it will be done.