Original Post
Gmod Admin Help
I just bought Gmod and its allot of fun, but when I make a server, I don't get admin powers, besides the ones like god mode noclip and PVP damage.

I want the admin that involves typing !menu or kick *guy in my servers, name*

I would really like if someone explained to me how to fix this problem, and maybe how to get rid of all the extra pictures of props that are left over when I deleted my halo prop pack... having all those random pics i can't use, annoys me.
Wiener Man For SMASH!
I think this is for toribash related support and google Gmod admin commands as when you make a server you should have them
No longer playing Toribash, so fuck off
It requires an addon to do that: I think it is ULX mod or something.
If you open the console, you can do these commands, but it is more convenient to be able to just type it.

ya, thats my bad lol.

and I dl'ed ULX and it didnt work

and yes I added it to the addons folder
Last edited by sincrest; Jul 15, 2008 at 09:04 PM.
Wiener Man For SMASH!
Make sure you read the readme files included with ULX. From my experience, I think you have to add your steamID to the admin file. If you can't find anything, look around at http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/

well ive heard some things about adding my self to my users.txt

but I don't know how to do that, If someone could give me something to copy and paste into that file, it would be really helpful.
Wiener Man For SMASH!
If you join an online game and type status into the console, it comes up with a list of people in the server and what their steamid is. Just copy the steamid in there and set the flags and it should work. It's all in the readme or the thread on facepunch.