Original Post
Selling most of my deactivated, not selling full color sets
Post here what you would buy at what price.
Accepting TC, USD, and Items.
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
Committing no breathing
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
122.5k pharos relax, full trail texts, impure lax and force, aurora relax, plat lax, hunter relax, ghost and torso, azurite relax, full vampire, full toxic, full acid, full cobra
Not selling full color sets, please offer again
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
I'm going to close this for now, not enough time to maintain.
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong