Original Post
[IMG] I need serious critisizm and help!
I need to know what i should sell this texture set for! I cant decide on a price! Also i need to know what you guys think of it =P

add something on the torso and chest, it looks really plain in that area
also offer to change the colour of the textures to red or blue or whatever colour the buyer chooses, easy to do with a hue filter, and will make more people consider buying it.
you obviously dont play TB that much cuz u cant change the chest colors also you cant just change the colors and resell it that would be texture stealing >.>
Actually, every part can be textured...

INCLUDING the Chest.

EDIT: And you obviously don't understand what he's saying. He means you should be able to change the color if the person who wants to buy it wants it in another color.

EDITII: About the textures, they're a big brushfest and it's not symmetrical either. And what's especially horrible is the fact that the brush don't look too well together.
Hey, you asked for critisizm!
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Oct 4, 2008 at 09:09 AM.
I have never once in my life seen a pec/ shoulder/stomach texture or textures so it doesnt exist unless its a mod... FORCE AND RELAX COLORS DONT COUNT
You can make them, but you can't see them in multiplayer, that's all.
EDIT: And don't be so ignorant, if you haven't seen something it's not like it doesn't exist.