Original Post
Lmorti's hopefully permanent replay thread
okay, fresh start.
the replay isn't too fancy just the one hit.
Attached Files
Lmrt- Stray Pubes.rpl (106.6 KB, 47 views)
generic opener, nothing i've never seen before

the hit was good, and clean

the transition from the hit to the pose and the pose itself could use a little more

not a bad replay. 7.5/10
the left arm in the opener looked weirdo and i would've preferred if you kicked with the other leg

nice boome
i told you not to make it decap on the floor >;ooooo
alright guy
keyword in the title, "hopefully"
'tis a bit of an awkward replay
contemplating carrying on with another kick
Attached Files
une2.1.rpl (112.6 KB, 23 views)
Didn't like how long how long the opener took, but those hits were great. Nice speed, cool choice of movement. Well done.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
thanks to you both.

after looking at this one when I finished it I just didn't like it
it's just a bit stop-start

anyway, 'er you go
Attached Files
#wip 3.155.rpl (217.1 KB, 13 views)
sudden arm raise in the opener unnecesarry
double-knee itself was beautiful
i never liked bitchslap dm's so that was ew
you managed to follow it up nicely though
really nicely
nothing to be said about the rest

i get what you mean with stop-start, but that doesn't bother me, personally, that much
alright guy