Original Post
What were your first thoughts on Toribash?
What kept you playing?
I continued playing because I saw interest in the game.
Last edited by Aracoon; Jun 24, 2012 at 10:08 PM.
I thought it was fun because it was so different. Sure it was hard, but it was hard for the same reason it was fun. When I finally knew what I was actually doing to the point where my Tori didn't resemble a fish that just got pulled onto a boat, that was just another reason to keep at it.
I LOVED the idea of the textures and all... i keep playing because of my love for making textures. It's very difficult to sell something because there is to much pros but. Im growing :P. And (like koco) i thought it whas different,,, i love different and revolucionary things!
i kept playing
cause friend
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Definitely a thread with the exact same topic as stated above...
anyways, I stayed because I made some good friends.
I hate living in Texas -_-
There was good ppls ( : Thats one reason why I kept playing.
And this game is addictive when u get it. ; D
The fact that Anything is possible...Its The Perfect Mix Of Ass Wooping Gore and Stylish Effective Art.
Into The Darkness Of This Shallow place...
You Should Know your fate by now....
Had no other game on my pc so I gave it a try. I liked it so here I am.
I was a bit younger when I started so I really liked the whole complete destruction aspect of it. It was just unique and fun. One of my friends also played it. The community only came into it later on.