Original Post
FaiL's Texture Shop

SETS: 20-40k
INDIVIDUAL TEXTURES (hands, legs, feet, etc.):2-10k



Style:emo non emo robot .etc
when u need it by:
Price range(for quality):

note: 10% of sales will go to [XIII] clan bank

Last edited by Fate; Dec 6, 2009 at 03:09 AM. Reason: changing thread.

... still awaiting offers.

I am changing end date to 24 hours after last bid.
I think it looks cool. A tori-ronald. But I think people aren't buying because some of them are only one texture.
I think the best parts are the head and trails, the rest is pretty, dull. Not much going on with a texture like this so its not to appealing. Although quite funny ingame
yeah like i want just the head
i only have 260 tc right now though. can u pm meh teh cost if u get a minute
i like to like say like in the like middle of like the like sentence
im going to cancle this auction,

mods can you rename thread to Fail's head texture shop?

so yeah, new shop opened. took a break to learn some more texturing xD

first reply, FREE head.
First reply, free head, alrighty.

Il request a emo head please, persian hair, and ear phones
Name: Simpsons
Type: i request an set like the Simpsons, with the head of Homer simpson.

Color: Simpsons are yelow so..
Style: Reality
Accessories: nothing, just the same like simpsons, if Homes simpson wears an pants i would like an pants on it
Extras: N/A
when u need it by: as soon as posible, but making more time would be bether quality
Price range(for quality): sindce the simpsons are almost yelow only... but still ill give you 2-3 trial textures for it, u can chose RH LH RF LF, 2 wen its good 3 wen its awsome.

512,or,128: whats this lol.... just make it Simpson