Original Post
Real Love
One day the son asked his father:
- "Father, will you run the marathon with me?"
The father said yes, and they both run the first marathon together.
The next year the son asks his father to run the marathon with him again, the father says yes once more.
And then the son asked his father:
- "Father, will you run the Ironman with me?
(The Ironman is much harder, it takes 4km swimming, 180 km biking and 42 km running)
And the father said yes.
Well, this might look trivial if you don't look close enough... and until you watch this video. If you don't feel the strength of love, you probably don't know what real love truly is.

Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jun 26, 2009 at 09:16 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
wow touching......
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies
Woah, that's beautiful.
Couldn't avoid crying near the end. That's truly a display of true love.
Wow....touching stuff. Can't help sheading a tear for that. What a great guy.
It gave me Goosbumps Good video nice story
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
i laughed... BUT i think the... handicap'd person really loved that!
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.