Original Post
[REL]Realistic Fracture
As thought up by me, and many others, here it is.

Realistic Fracture v.1.1

New version! (realisticfrac.lua) Added checking for fractures, to all the joints. It will work on both dismemberment and fracture.

Basically what this script does is check what gets fractured, and fracture other joints depending on what was hit.

For example: If the neck is fractured, your WHOLE body is fractured.
If the lumbar gets fractured, you lose everything below the lumbar.
If your abs are fractured, you no longer have control over your feet.

Pretty simple.

I intend to add checks for hands, but it's a bit more complicated.

Right, now, the only joints that matter are the ones on your spine. (Neck, Chest, Lumbar, Abs)

Extract into Toribash/data/script, and launch it from the Scripts menu. Make sure Fracture is turned to 1.

Attached Files
realfrac.lua (2.2 KB, 378 views)
realdmfrac.lua (2.3 KB, 233 views)
realisticfrac.lua (4.0 KB, 646 views)
Last edited by Jok; Aug 12, 2007 at 07:49 PM.
Do you have 2.7 release?

Also, did you manage to fracture a lumbar/chest/neck/abs?

Did what you fractured turn blue? If it did, and nothing else did, then it's a bug.
hey this sounds good, next time could you make it that if you break an elbow or knee it goes around like an analog stick instead of the usually going back and forth?
It's awesome. I have one problem with it. It should be that if you get decaped it should also fracture all. Make fracture and dismemberment both do what only fracture does. It should definately be a different lua file but it would be cool.
Originally Posted by Nepo View Post
It's awesome. I have one problem with it. It should be that if you get decaped it should also fracture all. Make fracture and dismemberment both do what only fracture does. It should definately be a different lua file but it would be cool.

Added to the first post.

Should be bug-free, but I trust you'll let me know if you find any.
Well, you know how suo is, if Jok makes one, suo has to make another.

Here's suo's realistic fractures and dismemberments. No more being invincible to pain, in other words.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I forgot to take out the debugging features, so it has the combo of dm.lua and realistic.lua.
Attached Files
realistic.lua (3.4 KB, 91 views)
Last edited by suomynona; Aug 12, 2007 at 07:39 PM.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Not going to bother remaking it using relax, like suo's script. Use his instead if you don't want your limbs rotating 360.

Update! See first post. All limbs now have checks to fracture and dismemberment.

realisticfrac.lua is the most recent one.