Original Post
ToriExchange - buy low, sell high
We have a new market place for items:

You can place both sell and buy order on it. An example two orders would be:
- "I want to buy 10 Orc Blood for 100 TC"
- "I want to sell one of my Orc Bloods for 100 TC".

The exchange will take care of matching the best price for you. And the orders will be available until they match or for a month.

The exchange has a separate place to keep items called the "Portfolio". You can transfer items from your ingame inventory to the portfolio using the "Transfer" link.
lol and the secret is out. this is where we've been getting our acid forces and usertexts and selling them to you for profit. thats right. we are teh profiteers
<insert (something) here>
sooo, i bought a sphinx force, and its not in my inventory
EDIT: i checked my orders, and its not there
Last edited by zeldadude3; May 26, 2008 at 04:20 PM.
Go to transfer on ToriExchange, and transfer it to inventory from portfolio
