Original Post
[TP]Team Parkour


This group was created for all players who practice parkour in real life or in the game.


Form a real group where we discuss techniques to improve our skills in real life and in the game, dissemination of parkour mods, dissemination of videos(ingame or not), and more.
Also keep in mind the formalization of the group, then, who wants to make donations, send to my profile soon will create a bank for the group.


1. Respect each other.
2. No spam
3. Being active in the forum
4. Not disclose material offensive (racial prejudice, pornography), only videos related to the theme of the group.
5. Do not break the rules.

Any violation will be reviewed by moderators of the group


- EarthFoxx - MODERATOR
- Marccod - MODERATOR
- SmallDick
- Chreeys
- turtlekid
- SoBscout
- ToriGash
- aakash55
- 123ErroR321
- torismaser
- wwolfer
- Evar678
- weed33
- aakash555
- 2solid4snake
- TengoMan
- Lawrence1


Play parkour in real life or in the game?
Favorite mods:
2 parkour replays : ( 1st : urealfreerunning / 2nd : other parkour mod )

Applications will be reviewed by moderators of the group, and if everyone agrees, you can have part of the group.


- Creating promotional video for the group -
The winner will earn the title of administrator group.


- TeamP [Clan] Name
- [TeamP] Name


Also keep in mind the formalization of the group, then, who wants to make donations, send to TPBank


TOTAL(TC) : 0 tc

~TPBank is : Yellow Belt

My application.

Play parkour in real life or in the game?: I wish I could do le parkour in real life but sadly all I can do is a cartwheel, But I do watch alot of parkour videos online and play alot of them in toribash.

Favorite mods:I have played every single mod in toribash and I have written down all the parkour mods out there. I don't really have a favorite.

2 parkour replays : ( 1st : urealfreerunning / 2nd : other parkour mod )
replays coming soon
Originally Posted by covah View Post
My application.

Play parkour in real life or in the game?: I wish I could do le parkour in real life but sadly all I can do is a cartwheel, But I do watch alot of parkour videos online and play alot of them in toribash.

Favorite mods:I have played every single mod in toribash and I have written down all the parkour mods out there. I don't really have a favorite.

2 parkour replays : ( 1st : urealfreerunning / 2nd : other parkour mod )
replays coming soon

This first one I just did at 10 turn frames So thats why It doesn't have much realism.
Attached Files
unreaaal.rpl (617.7 KB, 34 views)
Ok, was up and why did you pm me with that stuff? OHHH Nvm i figures out what its for bro. Thanks, btw i say no for that guy.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Yea swex my comps is messed up or something because TB stops working every time i watch it. I have only been able to see you get a couple steps in.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
We meet again fags :3
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all