Original Post
[Auction]Unholy Hand Flame (Warning: Can kill you by Excitement
Hey guys Made a new Flame This time with VIDEO!!



Start bid: 90K
min raise:5K
Autobuy: 120K
End date: 31/12/09 (DD-MM-YYYY)

I accept Critism ;)
Last edited by Cyborgzx; Dec 28, 2009 at 10:20 AM.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
Not bad. But I wouldn't jizz myself over it. Cyborg, you should have just added this to your previous store. Also, why do you keep coming out with these flames? Like are you just randomly messing around and not even trying? Because a flame normally would take a little more work then half of an hour messing with the forge. No offense but that is what it seems like is going on.

Oh but don't get me wrong, I do like it. It's really cool.
Last edited by JesseD; Dec 27, 2009 at 08:33 PM.
well idk why i keep coming with these flames... im just messing with the Forge. im looking what flames ppl like what they dislike so i can make really good flames... so basicly im learning Forging Flames. this is what i mean
1st Flame i made Sucked all said that.
2nd Fame i made was better.
3rd tried something else. and you liked so this is what i do basicly. to make a really good flame.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
Please post an end date on this auction or this thread will be closed.

Thank You
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Ah damn it. Thought something was wrong here. Hurry with the end date buddy!

Also yea. For just messing around your getting a lot better. Now you just need to learn to turn the messing around into. "I know what I'm doing, I can use these variables to create anything I can imagine."

Also Hxc, I'd say he just forgot. So he'll probably add it whenever he gets back on.
JesseD is right i forgot to add an end date... xD adding now

and thx JesseD for your Feedback.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn