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I need help to add music on my ToriGuy!
I bought a music so I can add it to my guy, but I don't know how to add the music and it plays. Please help me!
did u buy the music item or the kiai item ,,, if kiai u go activated/deactivated then press on edit beside the picture of the kiai then it will say browse file/upload file , have fun if it work
Need help ? Pm me :D
Ok I bought Kiai Sound, now do you guys know any software I can use so I can use it to have on my Toriguy? Someone help ASAP
You need to go on youtube or something to get an audiofile. Look up a good song you like, download it, and go to your kiai item. press edit and choose the file you downloaded. That better?
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.