Original Post
I beleive war is an unfortunate but neccessary part of society. Some countries are just nasty like North Korea, they think they can do whatever they want and attack anyone they want. What do you guys think about war? is it unethical? Is is good? bad? neccesary? what about nuclear war?
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
War, particularly world war provides economic stimulus, and often results in a large amount of advancement.

I would say that the only truly nasty country on the planet currently is America. North Korea tend to do their own thing and threaten people (cant remember what happened to that sound korean ship), America tends to invade countries and then lose and leave the countries to sort out America's mess.

I don't think it is necessary

Nuclear war is scary, but I dont care that much to discuss why it won't happen, and why it probably doesn't matter anyway.
there is no avoiding war. its not like WE make the decision. the choice made for us. the end of a war holds the seeds for the next.

Originally Posted by m0o View Post
I would say that the only truly nasty country on the planet currently is America.

thats really true in my opinion america is the most nasty country.
America is the greatest country in the world. The only people who disagree with that are disgruntled members of the shittier countries (Australia much).
As for war, yeah, it provides technological advancements. Shit doesn't happen without war.
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
America is the greatest country in the world. The only people who disagree with that are disgruntled members of the shittier countries (Australia much).

besides, you know, 20% of the population living under the poverty line

Originally Posted by Galt View Post
As for war, yeah, it provides technological advancements. Shit doesn't happen without war.

because the taj mahal was built over the blood soaked corpses of Marathi
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
War... has changed...

Unnecessary game references aside, war is a pretty terrible way of resolving issues, when you think about it. It is effective, but not efficient; while political leaders argue behind desks, they send thousands of soldiers at the other leader's side, like pawns in a game of chess. They supposedly care about the troops, but the real reason they care is if they don't die in one firefight, they can be used in the next. Many times there isn't even a clear winner to a war (see Vietnam) and if there is, victory comes at massive causalities (see World Wars) and defeat even more so.

Unfortunately, it's a tough habit to break. Fighting over territory and resources is practically primordial stuff- animal instinct hardcoded into our behavior. Despite the best of intentions from two sides, there will always be conflict due to the fact that you will never get enough people who trust each other to stop fighting; hell, even if 99% of the world's population suddenly decided not to wage war, that 1% would come along with big sticks and ruin it for the rest of us. Consistent diplomacy is a pipe-dream; and let's face it, two opposing countries will probably feel safer if they both have nuclear capabilities and large armies/navies/air forces than they will if neither country has an active military.

tldr- It's a horrible thing, but I think the only way war will end is through either divine intervention or through mass extinction, when there's nobody left to fight anybody else.

EDIT: To add on to my first paragraph; yes, there are sometimes ulterior motives that begin a war or fuel an existing war: they do not always start because of simple disagreements. World War II began because of the German blitzkrieg on Poland, sure, but everyone was much more eager to fight when they found out about the 8 million Jews being burned behind the German front lines.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; May 23, 2010 at 03:12 AM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
America is the greatest country in the world. The only people who disagree with that are disgruntled members of the shittier countries.

im from america but i dont like it
first of all america is a fat country ( not to offend) and we started a to throw not used objects like ink or factory waste in the hudson river back in the 1800s
Last edited by Nolanrules; May 23, 2010 at 03:14 AM.
war is bad for people good for governments

you see governments dont care for the millions of lives they destroy with their wars, all they care about is money, and you guessed it war is a major money maker. it leads to a productive country, they make weapons, they hire scientists and inventors, it basiccally makes a new industry, but this is only large wars..... look to history the huge inflation in germany only subsided after hitler came to power and started world war 2.

The war against korea wasnt really a war at all, they had nothing against korea, it was a plot to bring down communist russia, and it worked, russia invested in korea and after america felt that russia had spent enough money on korea they left.

Millions of innocent people were killed for money and power.
War created us. War advances us. When the bomb goes off, war destroys us. Well all probably die by a nuclear war, cause we have huge nukes, the megaton bomb, hydrogen bomb, atom bomb, all are advances that will destroy us. It's not a pretty thought but it's a part of life, war. Look at the revolutionary war, or any of the other old wars [I'm not good at social studies, bear with me] they caused history to be made, but it will be destroyed when the earth is destroyed, problem is I think it already is destroyed, but it's like life, created, advance, die.
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