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Should students be taught evolution?
So I was thinking, people refuse to teach evolution/religious methods of creation of mankind; however, in my science class we were being taught that the big bang created the universe.

So now, if we're allowed to be taught that the big bang created the universe, why wouldn't we be allowed to learn about evolution?

And of course, children could opt out of hte class if it's really THAT offending.

So, should evolution be taught: yes/no?
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ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
yes children should know about this to know something
if you are not allowed to learn it you will allways question yourself "where did i come from"
or "how did i come to this world" evulution and revolution bolth brought us to the world that we live in today .. so i think they should learn
Last edited by LGOX; Jun 5, 2011 at 09:25 AM.
And what happens if someone like me gets put into a religion class? It would be a pain in the fucking ass to get removed every time that happened for the next 4 years. Same for evolution in science class. I'm an atheist and I wouldn't be able to stand a class on religion.
Yes, I was taught the theory of evolution in my science class, and it was actually very inturesting, it's not offending at all. Just someones opinion on how people were created etc.. with more proof than religion. I have also been taught that it was god in my religious class. I just think (being an atheist) that the scientific view is more interesting and actually makes sense, as opposed to being told: 'a man in the sky created everyone'
Last edited by Pacman; Jun 5, 2011 at 10:13 AM.
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Originally Posted by LGOX View Post
that is just too simple he asked should it be teached
not who has to teach what

It's as simple as it sounds, religion does not have enough of a moral foothold anymore to oppose science from teaching science, but if it wants to stay, it should at least bother teaching something. I know a bunch of people who would take a course on religion if they could.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Should evolution be taught? Of course.
Both sides should be taught, meaning "big bang, evolution, the works." as well as "magic man, a.k.a. god"
With that information, the students should then be left to make their own decisions (assuming they are capable, and the information was taught at the proper grade/age)

On these subjects there ought not to be anyone saying:
Originally Posted by LGOX View Post
also you should belive in god

Just that in itself begs the question of "why?" and without turning this into another religious debate, I'd just say that pushing your beliefs on others is not a very good way to convince them it's right, rebellion from force is natural for most (especially on the internet). Back up your views, and it might get you somewhere.
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Originally Posted by LGOX View Post
that is just too simple he asked should it be teached
not who has to teach what

No, it is that simple.

Religion has no place in science class. How is that difficult to understand?

As for should religion be taught in school at all, obviously it has no place in state schools, except if the state is a certain religion (at the very least, it is useful to know how to be respectful to those around you). At private schools then they can teach whatever they want, I don't think anyone goes to "Jesus's Good Ol' Fashioned Bible School" expecting to have a religion-free education.

But do I agree with teaching "just one religion" (when people say "religion should be taught in school" what they really mean is "I think my particular sect of a particular religion should be taken as truth")? Not really. Religion is by definition fiction.
Should it be taught for cultural and historical value? Yes.
Should it be 'equal' to science? No.

Keep science in science class, and religion in religious class (if there is one).

It is NOT a tough concept.

Originally Posted by Bio View Post
And what happens if someone like me gets put into a religion class? It would be a pain in the fucking ass to get removed every time that happened for the next 4 years. Same for evolution in science class. I'm an atheist and I wouldn't be able to stand a class on religion.

I went through school having to sit religious classes. It wasn't a big deal. Religion is pretty much the same as English class. You just agree with the teacher and get good marks (disagreeing will get you no where in school).

Saying that, it was interesting to see just what kind of fantasies these people believe. Although I managed to keep a straight face the entire time, so it was great.