Original Post
Camera Tracking
Do you guys know anything about camera tracking in Blender? I just tried it out, but I can't find any good footage to test it out on.
i found in youtube a game made in blender which used the camera tracking

is this what you wanted?

Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
Oh, that kind of camera tracking!

I think Mr Gawn has a tutorial on it (at least he should do, since he uses it a lot...)

Please posts lots about this because its very interesting and I want to try too

Also: You may find it easier to post-pro with Vegas, as it has some pretty neat tools to deal with camera shake and such, will may be harder to deal with in Blender
Last edited by Gorman; Jul 21, 2011 at 02:39 PM.
I found an awesome tutorial about it on Blender Cookie. Apparently, the tomato branch i is developing camera tracking in blender for google summer of code. Check it out : D

Aerox: Yeah, saw that blog yesterday. The footage is nice, but I can't get any nice contrasting areas D :
Eh, I tried it, but I have no clue what the sensor size is and what not. It doesn't work unless you know that kind of stuff, I guess.