Original Post
Buying Qi Ruins everything...
I really think that toribash needs to remove the function to buy qi

it ruins how people look at belt ranks.

back in the day belt used to be respect, if you were a master belt you were a ******* king

and now I know losers that got Master belt from buying Qi.

I mean toribash staff.. are you that desperate to get peoples real money that you will sacrifice one of things that makes this game so awesome?

the only thing you can really have as a goal in toribash (ingame) is to achieve a high belt.. now its gone, its all ruined because it means nothing.

whats the point of even wanting to gain belt ranks nowdays? Rich ass kids will become master belts in 1 second and laugh at the people that worked so hard to achieve that.

What is the reason that you even made it possible for people to buy qi?

and PLEASE dont tell me its because noobs want to equip force colours that you need 10k qi+ for because if thats the case then you should just not have an qi requirment on equipments

the only reason why you're even supposed to have belts ranks to begin with is so that you can show everyone you're not on the same level as them, show people that you have skills.


do you guys think this is right?!?! do you guys like the fact that idiots that cant play for shit are walking around with custom/god belts and laugh at the players that work hard to achieve it? dont you want a change? dont you want toribash to be like the old days? when belt actually meant something? we can change this if we really want to!! you just have to stand up for what you think is right.

now discuss this and lets see which side wins.

if you let people continue to buy qi this game will crash and burn.
Summary of summary of summary of my opinion on this:

-Developers need money and this is the most convenient way to get it.

-If you don't stand up to the expectations of your belt, you get laughed at.
Developers need money and this is the most convenient way to get it.

Its true that they need money but they keep sacrificing everything that makes this game awesome to get it
and eventually they will lose players because of that and they wont realise their mistake before its too late.

If you don't stand up to the expectations of your belt, you get laughed at.

get laughed at? they will just say they were having a bad day or that they are having bad luck! theres no way to prove it
"Its true that they need money but they keep sacrificing everything that makes this game awesome to get it and eventually they will lose players because of that and they wont realise their mistake before its too late."

It doesn't work that way, we get more people than we lost. This game is addictive that this detail we're talking about does not matter.

"get laughed at? they will just say they were having a bad day or that they are having bad luck! theres no way to prove it"

Who said you need to prove it? It's their own idiocy, don't go down on their level to argue about their n00b skills.

Also if there was less qi-selling, we'd have more account selling with exactly the same consequences.
Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Its true that they need money but they keep sacrificing everything that makes this game awesome to get it
and eventually they will lose players because of that and they wont realise their mistake before its too late.

get laughed at? they will just say they were having a bad day or that they are having bad luck! theres no way to prove it

Actually,they haven't lost players,they gained.I was away for 2 months and now that I'm back,I noticed that the people that are usually online are 420+ instead of 300+.

And yes,people DO get laughed at if they've bought QI and are being douches about it.Let's face it - Hampa is a living being,he needs money to make a living too.
Swexxelite is a master belt, never bought qi and if you play with him only once, you can see that experience of ten thousand games in him.

On other hand, An inexperienced and qi-buyer master belt will easily show his colors when he will fight some rounds with people.

So simply you need to live with it.
jirebank is right, even if u don't like, they need money, they need money for thenselfs and for this game, the can't take money from nowhere....
System Of a Down [Extreme]|LOP|RSO|MoA Dontclickhere!
It doesn't work that way, we get more people than we lost. This game is addictive that this detail we're talking about does not matter.

it should work that way. Small detail?! are you kidding me?! belt is the only thing we ingame players have to be proud of! its no mere detail that noobs should be able to achive just because they have a little money to spare.

Swexxelite is a master belt, never bought qi and when you play with him only one time, you can see that experience of ten thousand games in him.

I'ts not about wether it shows or not, its about the noobs getting credit for something other people worked hard to get
and we oldschool players never even had a chance to do what they are all doing now.
and buying qi ruins the purpose of having belts in the first place

Also.. I never meet a person ingame that started calling a master belt noob just because he wins 1 time.. YOU DONT JUST ASSUME THAT HE BOUGHT QI BECAUSE OF THAT! AND THATS WHAT RUINS THIS GAME -.-

when you cant even fight a master belt without knowing if hes a yellow or white belt.. thats just sad beyond words

Let's face it - Hampa is a living being,he needs money to make a living too.

Here we go again, with the money =/ ..

Hampa you created the best game in the world.. but you are ruining it, these ******* noobs will agree that buyin qi is a good thing but you are letting down the players that made toribash what it is today
Last edited by Simon; Oct 6, 2011 at 07:25 PM.
Buying Qi was the worst idea ever. I reckon Hampa gets enough money from people buying tc and paypal boosters anyway.

"I mean toribash staff.. are you that desperate to get peoples real money that you will sacrifice one of things that makes this game so awesome?"

That's my favourite line because it's spot on. In the past, player's ambissions were to gain high belts yet in the present people can just cheat... simple as that.
Last edited by MintCat; Oct 6, 2011 at 07:19 PM. Reason: mhmm