Original Post
How to change the sounds in Toribash.
Well crap, I deleted my original tutorial when the Goons came and I thought things were headed south. I tried to find it...but I couldn't, so here is an abridged version that will hopefully get the point across.

Step one. To start you need some sort of audio editing program that not only allows you to edit WAV files, but also lets you convert other sounds formats (i.e. MP3 etc.) into WAV format. Audacity is recommended since it's free and rather easy to use. You can get it here.

Got your prog? O.K. here we go to change some sounds. :D

Step two. Pick a sound, any sound at all, one that you wont mind hearing over and over again. Next edit, sample, reverse, do what ever to the sound. Finally convert the sound to WAV if it is not already.

Step three. Open C:\Games\Toribash-4.1\data\sounds and find the sound that is bothering you. For me it was the Game over sound. Once you have found the sound, right click it, copy the sound, and paste it somewhere else on your P.C. (this is to ensure that you will be able to undo your changes) I copied mine to my desktop, but do it where ever.

Step four. Delete the original sound file. So to get rid of the "wwoooshhh, "game over" sound, you would delete gameover.WAV. Take the sound you want to replace it with and rename it with the EXACT name of the file you are replacing.

Step five. Enjoy.

Last edited by WorldEater; Nov 2, 2017 at 09:56 PM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Wow dude, this seems awesome! I'd like to put the drum intro of Man in the Box in the end game sound. I'll try this

Thanks dude, I'd give you rep but for some reason I'm not able to >_> or maybe I'm not looking for it right.

I just got the software and I had this really rare Alice in Chains song, I wanted to put it on my iPod but it was a WMA. I was able to convert it to a MP3 using the software Blaze Media Pro and now I can listen to it all I want

Thanks a BUNCH dude. How can I give you rep for the help??
Last edited by Drummer; Jul 8, 2008 at 01:02 AM. Reason: Tried it
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
haha very nice Deady i will try this later, and who needs rep, what did rep do for us besides make us worry about what people thought of out posts xD
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Also, I tried to shorten Man in the Box to only the drum intro using the edit audio option with Blaze Media Pro. But I couldn't find any option, do you know how to shorten the audio file time?
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Most sound editing programs allow you to highlight portions of the song or sound and cut it from the selection.

Finally somebody posted this. I love you, man.

I did this a while ago, (before I had sounds off :P) and made it like guitar sounds and stuff. I made the game over thing be like an end to a song so its like "Budum bum dum chhhhhhhhh" and when you get a belt up it has the link-object-atain sound, but done in guitars :P

I dont have a link to these, because my friend made them, and he doesnt want other people to have them for some reason D:
I have quit. Goodbye all.
I customized mine with classic Mortal Kombat sounds. My fight_alert is Shao Kahns "FIGHT"

and gameover is "Fatality".

Thanks very much man.
