Original Post
Clan Siege - Obey vs Ultimate
Hey, let this be the thread for planning and information between our clans.
First things first, what mod do you pick for the event, as defenders?
PM me with any and all questions
Well Cold is here now ;)
hit me with a pm when we doing this.
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
We decided that first we should determine a meeting time. We will announce the mod before we begin.
This guy was once a GameMaster
A purposeful delay would be against the rules of the event, when it clearly states you pick once you are chosen as defender.
It seemed like you were pretty unified on Lenshu in your chat-thread, so I don't see the reason for a further delay.
We'd like to have at least two days to prepare for the mod. The mod may impact who goes up and who needs to be free/online this weekend, so please respect that, since I'm going to be asking people to stay home to play in the event.

For the time, how about we make a first try this friday/saturday?
I know at least Cold, Stealth and N3wb have me on Skype, so we could keep in contact more as we get closer to playing, to assure we play at a time when we both have a good amount of people online.
If you'd like to add me and talk there (way more efficient) my Skype is worm-in-box / Mud
Oh, we're mostly european/american btw, so let's aim for a mid-day/evening american time of day, unless we split the whole thing up in smaller parts.
Last edited by Hattersin; Apr 15, 2015 at 10:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PM me with any and all questions
Okay, we will choose lenshu.

I can play on Friday or Saturday at 5 PM (-5 GMT). I'm currently asking other members if they can do the same. How is that for Obey?

Friday at 10 PM (0 GMT), 5 PM (-5 GMT), is also acceptable to N3WB
Last edited by PieGod; Apr 16, 2015 at 01:30 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
This guy was once a GameMaster
I should be able to make it...someone just remind me or some shit I'll be lurking online tomorrow.
What room shall it be in?
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this