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[Art] Ispro's Art
welcome to ispro's art
I am a beginner artist give me some feed back!

ispro's art

Last edited by IsPro; Dec 16, 2013 at 11:44 PM.
[Nitro] motherf*ckas
the white out line is kinda weird, play around with the colors and font till you find a good combination
I was about to say exactly what cercopes said. Great job though.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
The font sucks and the effect sucks. Sorry but there's nothing "special" just a basic art with a normal theme. You should try improve the next time and then change the font. At least the "[XP]" font
Background is plain and dull, it makes it more dull with the colour grey. Fonts don't match either. Experiment with some other fonts maybe.
ok than you people ill work on some stuff i just started to really figure somethings out.
[Nitro] motherf*ckas
Astonishingly basic, but it looks somewhat nice, the background could've definitely used some more work into it, also, on the 2nd pic, the two fonts don't really match each other
yea i know about the different fonts i just kinda liked it like that
[Nitro] motherf*ckas