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List of auto commands?
List of auto commands?
I want something like: you would press a specified button like f2, then it would bring up a list of pre-entered commands. once one is clicked, it will auto type it in for you into the text/command bar, then you can edit it to how you want it, then enter it!

Quick example to further explain this script I'm wanting...

That certainly doesn't exist yet. ... Were you thinking of gmod when asking this? I don't know how effective it would be for toribash. (Although, it would get new and old players using commands like /desc, /setowner, and /passwd more)
Well I wasn't thinking of GMod, but i also wasn't thinking of putting already made commands in either... I was thinking you would press like a 'New command' button and would type in what you want and it would show up in a table for you to click to "type" it in faster, later.