Original Post
I was sitting there, thinking (as I usually do) and thought about my cat. Now, you, being an average toribashian is probably thinking, "Why is he babbling about his cat again?" Well, I thought of how I mess with her at times, I poke her 'till she gets mad, then I leave and let her cool off a bit. I hope that she'll know that I enjoy her company, and that I am not being a hateful person. Cats tend to do things they know they aren't meant to do. My cat likes to eat and kill anything smaller than her. I forgive her and forget what she does, as long as the animal was not a nuisance. (like a bug, not a beloved pet). I hope that she forgives me for what I do that is annoying to her. We only have so long with our mammalian pets. When we become 12 - 17, we get close to being a matured human. When they reach that age, they usually die.

What do you do that angers your pet, but they do stuff that angers you, so you both kinda "forget"?
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015
I used to forget to feed my bird (was 8 pls forgive me), so it would shit on everything.

glorious bastard that bird was really.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
you poke her until she gets mad? ughhhhhhhh.

i think the most annoying thing my dogs do is bark. excessively. you'd think after 8 years you'd get used to it, but no... you never get used to it.
i can't think of anyways how i'd annoy my dogs, but i guess they'd get fed up of the same music getting played over and over, while i just really enjoy it.
my cat basically pokes me when shes bored, and other times
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
When I was like 5 I would trap my hermit crabs in these blocks and just leave them there for an hour or so >.> I was such an asshole xD.
When I was younger I had a pet rooster, it started fighting with another rooster that I had, then my dad cut it's head off with an axe.
My old dog was super peaceful, so I'd piss it off so it would go to bite say my hand, then it wouldn't actually bite my hand, so i'd just leave my hand there. Much to his confusion this got him super mad, or he would just yawned.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu