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Toribash Profiles
For this idea I am thinking of it being possible to view how many wins or games a player has, what items they have activated, etc, within the game (where you right click for more options of the player). This could also be used for the Toribash forums.
It's a good thought, admittedly.

But I just don't really see this getting implemented.

People would see that a player is really good and leave the server, or see what items they have activated, then try to hack their account.

But I don't know. I'm neutral on this idea.
Origin For Life
I mean you can already see what items someone has active by clicking "Active Inventory"

the amount of games they have played is their qi and if u wanna find their games won their win % is in Achivments and you can just do a bit of ez math with that and the qi to get the amount of games won.

ingame you can also get their qi and win % in the info tab and you can just dl lp them to see their active. I think this is pretty useless tbh
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I think OP was specifically meaning a feature where you could see this stuff quickly and conveniently from ingame. Clearly nothing wrong with the idea - it's just making information more accessible (though I don't actually remember if exact wins/loses are available anymore).

Realistically this won't get implemented because it's just a cosmetic/QoL feature and if there even was substantial development being done to the game I imagine there'd be higher priorities. It's something that'd be totally doable with a lua script though.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I think OP was specifically meaning a feature where you could see this stuff quickly and conveniently from ingame. Clearly nothing wrong with the idea - it's just making information more accessible (though I don't actually remember if exact wins/loses are available anymore).

Realistically this won't get implemented because it's just a cosmetic/QoL feature and if there even was substantial development being done to the game I imagine there'd be higher priorities. It's something that'd be totally doable with a lua script though.

Wouldn't this be easily made in the same way as this

Since it's possible too do so with a search feature, and stats already made for it.
I don't exist
Someone would just have to make the UI for it in a script for ingame.
Lots of user data is available (and though I don't think precise wins/loses are you could get fairly close with qi, winrate and some math) such as inventory items and things.
The biggest chunk of work would be making it look nice ingame and be intuitive and fast - remember we';re postulating this as a fast and convenient alternative to just searching this stuff up about someone on the forums.