Original Post
[eP] Editing Perfect 2.0

Editing Perfect 2.0

We are a team of people who we consider "the best" in the whole of the Toribash Editing community.
We also plan to host events based around editing.

(Name - Position - Program - channel)

Nagato9757 -- (Org Manager) -- [After Effects CC] -- Channel
TyZi -- (Org Manager) -- [Sony Vegas] -- Channel
DatSkip -- (Member) -- [After Effects CC] -- Channel
Havu/Jellona -- (Member) -- [Sony Vegas 12] -- Channel
Victortb -- (Member) -- [Sony Vegas Pro 11] -- Channel
TORIITO -- (Member) -- [Sony Vegas] -- Channel
Hours -- (Member) -- [After Effects CC] -- Channel
nihuon - (Member) -- [Sony Vegas] -- Channel

Donations/Transaction History of [eP]:
These are the people that have a special place in our heart:


Total TC: 40796
Donations go to Nagato9757 as of now. A bank is coming soon.


20/07/16 The Windows Movie Maker Challenge

What we need right now:
A logo. (maybe something better lol)
An intro.
Possibly Banners.
Last edited by Nagato; Jul 21, 2016 at 10:12 PM.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this