Original Post
Clan League
Hey there!

As many of you may know the clan league is fast approaching. It's been anticipated for months now and the first round will be starting next weekend!

In order to arrange times for each clan we've introduced a nomination system.
You will be able to pick 3 preferred times out of 6 suggested times. These times are:

00:00gmt, 04:00gmt, 08:00gmt, 12:00gmt, 16:00gmt and 20:00gmt.

Once your clan has nominated 3 times please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Also, if you have any clan members that no longer belong to the clan or different participates please include this information in the e-mail.
You will be unable to compete if you don't get this e-mail in before Friday.


Also, I love Ishi
<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line
I'm fine with any of them, slightly in favor of 00:00 to 08:00


K so, guys you haven't listed many times you would like, or emailed them to the email adress listed above, so simpler method. Please PM the three times that are best for your to me, this is so that we can get matches organized quickly and efficiently before the league starts, it is REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT that you get this info pmed to me. if you have no times in by friday WE WILL CHOOSE YOUR TIMES FOR YOU!!!!!
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
The League has begun! It can be found here. Good luck to all who compete!
<@Opeth> No, they should get the worst texturer
* @Opeth suggests <censored>
<@hanz0> good suggestion
<@Opeth> I don't understand how you can make textures for so long and not improve in the slightest
<@hanz0> it is because his learning curve is more of a learning horizontal line
dood guys, we really need some times yo.

The mod is big dojo aikido now, so its a bit less lame eh?


Is there a mod for big dojo aikido or will I have to look up the settings
I shall come out of hiding for thy league but then I shall sink back into the shadows
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well