Original Post
Head texture competition
I only recently bought the head texture, and since then I have been trying out many different free textures. Although most of them are very good, they lack the uniqueness of a texture made specifically for you.

For this reason, I am starting a competition for a new head texture. The head may be anything-It could be part invisible, it could be detailed, or it could be simple but stylish.

To submit, post a picture of your Tori wearing the texture, not the texture itself (because then some random person could take it.)

The prize will be designated by donations. Any donations will go towards a "pot" which will end up being the prize money. I will also give as much money as I can but that depends on how much I have at the time.

The deadline will be Monday.

May the best man win!
Originally Posted by dumboX View Post
how much will you actually pay at your lowest price?

It depends how much money I have. It probably wontbe that much since i dont think many people will donate, and the other half, like i said,depends on how much I have. I will give all the money I have.
Originally Posted by F1nnyF6 View Post
It depends how much money I have. It probably wontbe that much since i dont think many people will donate, and the other half, like i said,depends on how much I have. I will give all the money I have.

You say you want something made for YOU. So, what do YOU want? Post refferances and tell us kinda what you realy want like: size, colors, style.. etc etc
Cartoon?, Robotic?, Real?, Hair style?, accesories?, blood?, cuts?, human?, monster?, please be more descriptive on what you want and how much your offering for it.