Original Post
[eP] Editing Perfect

...we're back!

EditingPerfect was an editing team founded some years ago featuring
the best of the toribash editing community. It was fun times but closed after
some time. After much deliberate thought I've decided to reopen
EditingPerfect to once again become the top toribash editing team. We'll be
producing the freshest, most creative toribash videos for the community to
enjoy. Subscribe to our youtube channel if you'd like [link],

Slycooper [YT] - founder
cat [YT] - manager/co-founder
Havu [YT] - trial

Feel free to submit your appclip in this thread, this is an editing team, not a
video-editing-learning-support-group. We'll be judging and only the best will get
in. Once you're accepted you will begin trial membership. As a trial member,
you'll get three edits to prove yourself and become a full member. You have a three
month grace period between each edit before you need to make another one. If you
don't make it as a full member after three edits on trial, your position will be evaluated
and you may be removed. You can re-app to become on trial.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Post down below.
Appclip Requirements: 30 seconds min (with exceptions), use one of the intros/outros
[Intro 01] [Intro 02]

Last edited by Slycooper; Oct 11, 2016 at 11:11 PM.
Def going to attempt to join. Just need a song and good replays :>


tomorrow i'll get new pc back,so i'll make new edit.
hey,if someone gets rejected or something,in how much time the person can apply again?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
tomorrow i'll get new pc back,so i'll make new edit.
hey,if someone gets rejected or something,in how much time the person can apply again?

instantly i guess, whenever you make a new video
if i don't come out with an appclip in like a few weeks or a month, remind me of it on skype. tempted to do this since i'll finally be able to edit on my main tower instead of a broken laptop, and cause of the team ofc. (hopefully.)
Hey sly could you make an intro for app clips?
