Original Post
AVY EVENT [non-avy edition] Winner: Latching mini elf - Wyverneon

Every year I usually make Christmas avatars for people, but I'm kind of lazy so I don't want to do it. But item forging is now a thing, so maybe I'll do that instead...

Like I said, I'm lazy, so I need a good idea for a 3d item for 2015 Christmas. Someone has to think of one before the deadline.

The winner is:
Latching mini elf - Wyverneon

There were lots of great suggestions, but a special mention to:
Mini Santa - Rivaille19
Santa's Big Red Sack - judd666

Well, anyone who helps gets one of the items that will be forged, up until the end of the year people will be able to get them, but after that they won't be sold or released.

This event has ended. Once the item has been completed it will be sent out and until the end of the year people who post here will get one! For anyone posting after Christmas, the list of people who will get one will be sent to admin at the end of the year, so you will get yours after that.

Here is the list of people who should receive one.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Jan 1, 2016 at 04:34 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Sounds cool, are there any limits to how many items you can make?
For example could we suggest a set of items(like boxing gloves having a set of two), or does it have to be just one item alone?

Also will you be the only judge or does the idea have to be accepted by item forgers or other staff?
"[non-avy edition]" meaning you're doing an "avy" edition? :o
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.