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Lucid Dreaming
What is a Lucid Dream?

A lucid dream happens when you are aware you are dreaming. The physiological reality of Lucid Dreaming has been proved by Dr. Stephen LaBerge and confirmed by other scientists. It is a real experience, though difficult to believe until experiencing it for yourself.
Being aware of the dream can be so incredible that words really fail to convey the majesty and magic of it. You can be the absolute master of your dream world! The very laws of nature can be bent and broken. No experience is beyond your reach, no feat too difficult or risky. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen.

What do you really need to know to experience a Lucid Dream?

Lucid Dreaming only requires figuring out that you are dreaming. There are myriad ways to do this. Figuring out you are dreaming, however, is only one third of the challenge. Once aware, you want to stay in the dream as long as possible, which isn't always easy. Many are startled awake as quickly as they gain lucidity. You will also want to remember the experience when it is over. What good is the most amazing lucid dream anybody ever had if it isn't remembered?
You need three things: ability to recall your dreams, a technique to become aware you are dreaming, and strategies to stay in the dream once you get there.

So pretty much, Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming, and you know you are awake. You can do anything and everything, as long as you believe that you can do it. Check out this website for the basics:

Have any of you ever had a lucid dream? I know I have, and it was insanely awesome, but I never really realized that there were certain techniques to trigger them.
League of Legends NA: Locus
sounds amazing if it's real. I think I'm going to try to lucid dream every night now. I'd like to live in my own dream world for a while.
lol I do this every night

But sometimes I can't kill all of the zombies, so they end up eating me (it hurts like hell)
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Well, you can't just try to do it.

You have to keep a dream journal, for a little while before. Just to get your dream recall at a higher state. Then you have to start taking reality checks irl, and eventually, that will become a habit, that you will do in your dream. Then when you do it in your dream, you will realize that it is a dream, and be able to control it.
League of Legends NA: Locus
It's almost impossible to do this without intense preparation.
It's fighting your nature.
Which is hard.
Your definiton is false.
You are not awake, you are just aware that you are dreaming.
You trained your subconscience to recognize dreams as such and it tells your conscience when it is happening, basically.
If you practice hard enough you'll be able to control your dreams easily.

It is also possible to use pretty much the same technique to learn a somewhat more efficient way of thinking.
Instead of thinking in words you think in images and/or just don't think your thoughts in the traditonal thought but just know what you are thinking. That works because the thought is formed in your subconscience before you conscience is aware of it.
That's how a layman would explain it pretty much.
Dunno about the technical stuff.

Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
It's almost impossible to do this without intense preparation.
It's fighting your nature.
Which is hard.

This is not true.
I managed to lucid dream within three days with very little pracice.
You basically just need to do a little autogenic training and focus on your imagination and dreams while doing so.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post

This is not true.
I managed to lucid dream within three days with very little pracice.
You basically just need to do a little autogenic training and focus on your imagination and dreams while doing so.

Exactly. Me and my cousin just found out about this a little while ago, so we are both starting dream journals, in hope of maybe lucid dreaming at some point in time.
League of Legends NA: Locus
sometimes i do this, but i hate it when i do...its like i cant wake up, y'know?

Hmmm I did a bit of research about a year ago and tried but eventually let it go. I think i might pick it up again though, because it sounds like an interesting concept.
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
I've master flying, and teleportation

And when the tough ass enemies come (my dreams are fucking intense, you don't even know.), I just go into a fetal position, close my eyes, hold my ears, and say: "Wake up"

And then I wake up
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma