View Poll Results: Change Name clan.
11 Votes / 37.93%
9 Votes / 31.03%
5 Votes / 17.24%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
[PsY] Junk Thread
Junk Thread
Here goes the useless posts and the closed threads.

Last edited by Rafael; Mar 25, 2012 at 05:15 AM.
not bad, requesting Clan Allience with clan Phantom, u just need to edit a little cuz some of the parts are too crowded, there is also some mistakes.
Phantom Clan Shop
I cannot teach anyone anything, I can only make them think.
Clan Bank Open
DarkState donate 20k
DarkState donated full 128 and full beetle
DarkState donate Cooper force and beetle lax
Figh is the new Leader
DarkState is now the founder of the clan
Slash joined to single allie
[Phantom] joined to clan allie
[AciD] Joined to clan allie
Toxico Joined to single allie
Misterte Joined the clan
Borjon joined the clan
pwnsors102 joined single allie
pwnsors102 Quit single allie
pwnsors102 joined the clan
[99ers] Joined Clan allie
[Ca] Joined single allie
The clan get new banner and new separator
ser0 in disscusion to be in the clan
Sirss joined single allie
Avela donate 9k
The clan bank got 30k
Ser0 Joined the clan
Figh donated 1k
Clan goal 50k in the clan bank
Etzuba donated 25k
Our clan bank get 75k
Chus joined the clan
Etzuba joined single allie
Ser0 joined the clan.
Mehcaflame joined the clan
The clan bank get 100k
Latinsnake joined the clan
Mechaflame is the new co-leader
The clan get a co-leader
Fercho5555 joined the clan
The clan have 10 members
Feehlypy joined the clan
Mckiller12 joined the clan
Dragonscf joined the clan
Pabblopic joined the clan
The clan bank get 200k
The clan host a tourney
The clan divide in sections
The clan get pictures og all the players
Pwnsor12 kick to the clan
Pabblopic donated 500 tc to the bank
Misterte quit the clan
The clan have 1 week.
The clan video is going on.
Pabblopic quit the clan
LMY joined the clan
lolman1 joined the clan
Chus is the new co-leader
LMY is the new co-leader
AoNamami joined the clan
watersurf joined the clan
d3m0nz joined the clan
The clan have 2 weeks
The clan won a clan war
The clan got rank 40 wuth unofficial toriclan tag
lZheta joined the clan
ouw have been kick from the clan
Fercho5555 have been kicked from the clan
Aonanami joined the clan
The clan got rank 6
The clan got 3 weeks
Aonanami have been kicked from the clan
lZheta have been kick from the clan
The clan apply to become official
The clan host a tourney
The clan spend 20k in tourneys
The current bank amount is 60k
D3m0nz have donate 15 items
The clan is organuized a lotery
lZheta Joined the clan against
DarkCratoz joined the clan
New rule added
Rushky joined the clan
pwesonr102 added single alliance
The clan got rank 5
The clan got rank 4
The clan got rank 3
The clan video have been end
Last edited by PsYBanK; Aug 4, 2011 at 10:09 PM.
Nice clan and all. Who's the leader though?

Also, what does PsY stand for? Is it just like a word? or does it stand for something?
ok, feel free to post on my thread too
for some reason ur rules dont seem to be original, i think ive seen those exact rules on a different clan =/
Last edited by PhantomClanBank; Jul 6, 2011 at 07:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Phantom Clan Shop
I cannot teach anyone anything, I can only make them think.
Originally Posted by Course View Post
Nice clan and all. Who's the leader though?

Also, what does PsY stand for? Is it just like a word? or does it stand for something?

It just for the word it sounds good but some many people take a mean about it
Originally Posted by PhantomClanBank View Post
ok, feel free to post on my thread too
for some reason ur rules dont seem to be original, i think ive seen those exact rules on a different clan =/

ok ty but check the rules and the leader is DarkState
Last edited by PsYBanK; Jul 6, 2011 at 07:47 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump