Original Post
(UF) Want to be a part of the family? Apply here!
United Family recruitment thread!

Welcome to the (UF) recruitment thread. Here you post your app on becoming a fellow member.

App must be free form, lengthy and unique None of those one-liners or those pesky template app. It has to have a bit about yourself, your loyalty and love for your fellow clan mates and other people.
You must know at least one member a bit. It's a family clan, what did you expect? If you don't then you are "less" likely to enter.

If you get a yes from more than half of the clan members, you're to proceed to become a trial member. This is the phase where you get to know the clan members, chat with them, and when we know you well, you're to proceed to become a Brat!

Post your application now!

This application thread is 100% Kido approved.
♥ suiseggs ♥