wow, if this is real (which i cant see it being so)

we're going to have a lot of health problems on our hands,
either from overuse, or some mishap with dirty needles
^ Spelling Fail.
Krushev, we know. We're discussing how the product will turn out after a few days/weeks/months/etc.

Also: I just realized that the need for sleep and food is no longer needed because of this. INteresting.
I'd heard about this and was wondering when it was going to come out. I wonder how long it will be until someone dies after using this?

This is why videogames have a bad reputation. This is probably as dangerous as using caffein pills. I'll give it 5 years until it's illegal.
i liek turtelz xd
what jared said, hell i'll give it 3. this is basically steroids for your awareness/consious