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Changed graphic card, will it be better?
Previous card:

New card:
ASUS GeForce GT210 1GB DDR3

so basically all I want is to run League of Legends smoothly (and some generic mmorpg like Dragon Nest and such :P). My old card was OK till it died. Will it be good?
210's aint good for modern gaming. They're fine for desktop stuff, watching videos (I use them in media centres) and playing old games... Like ones from 5+ year ago.

Put a bit more money into it, you'll be able to get a midrange GeForce 550/650 for not much more, or if it floats your boat an AMD 7550 will be around the same price.

Ignore any Nvidia/AMD sitting around the bottom end, they're no better than current integrated chips; infact in many cases they're worse.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I have it for like, 30% the original price from one of my friends..also, I bet I would have to change my PSU :P and cooling. Found 550 but with passive cooling, and it would over heat. I don't need GPU for modern gaming.
LoL falls into the modern gaming category, thus a mid end card would be spot on. It'll also land you with a piece of hardware that'll be fine for running most things for years to come.

Don't waste money on low end cards, they're seriously no better than integrated crap when it comes to gaming. (often worse)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
I have it for like, 30% the original price from one of my friends..also, I bet I would have to change my PSU :P and cooling. Found 550 but with passive cooling, and it would over heat. I don't need GPU for modern gaming.

It won't, as long as you don't OC/boost the voltage on it.
Last edited by GamerDaPro; May 20, 2013 at 09:18 PM.
But I literally don't have any cooling in my case. Plain CPU fan, I could aswell just put the stuff out of the case and lay it on my desk - same effect. Anyway, waiting for that gpu to arrive, should be here tomorrow - then I will tell if it works fine ^^'